It's just that this isn't the first time I've had to hear that.Use the search feature of the table (In Red Box Below) to quickly find the required level. That wasn't directed entirely at you coppertop, as I assume along with guye that you were just talking about the section, not the said problems in that section. It doesn't piss me off when I experience it in a flash game, because it's a fucking flash game and I expect it, but what pisses me off is when people try to use that as an excuse as if the two situations are even at all comparable. But I can't see the logical path to get to where the spider fell, when I tried to jump there I fell, and you can't stand on the leaf so. And in all that time and all those games, not A SINGLE GAME in all that time was so glitched that you'd go THROUGH THE MIDDLE of objects. good as always, I like how the platform section in the second stage works now, it reminds me of Scott Pilgrim. So when I actually knew what the hell I was doing, I had a library of about 100 NES games, and worked my way up through the consoles. Project X: Love Potion Disaster » Devlog. Most people remember the first game they played, I was doing them before I could form memories, just because I was copying behavior. Project X: Love Potion Disaster 7.8 - Leaf Forest Zone Glitches Patched. It turns out the game had too much storage so we took o. And I had older brothers so that I tried to emulate them before I knew what I was doing. We have noticed on our website that there was a complaint issue about a glitch where the whole game would freeze and we have patched the glitch. Warning, the website may tell you to download or install programs or extensions, don't do it, turn off or pause your. gamesave save savegame savefile sonicoccharacter sonicfancharacter projectxlovepotiondisaster. I've spent on average about 6-7 hours a day on a console until I was 15, when I changed mostly over to PC and the hours are now more like 7-8. Savegame of Project X Love Potion Disaster 7.8. On the other hand, in the Boss folder you have the animation for all the bosses.7 RedEye Samurai. I immediately assumed diagonal jumping was probably a bad idea and it wasn't programmed for that, so I stayed straight on and still had trouble with the detection.Īnd I don't understand that argument about video games. sonicthehedgehogProject X Love Potion Disaster.